In February, 2020, we received an email from a stranger to whom we’d been recommended by an art director we’d hired, freelance, way back in the 1980s.
Said stranger had developed a technology platform that instantly hails real estate agents — just like Lyft & Uber hail drivers. He got the idea when he and his business partner saw a house they wanted to buy as an investment, but could never reach the listing agent to schedule a tour.
We ran the idea past LAH Residential Sales President Coke Williams. He liked the concept so much, he became an investor. But like us, he didn't like the name they'd come-up with — "Let's See It." So we convinced our new clients they needed a better name. A short, memorable, Category Killer name — like Uber, Lyft or (closer to home) Zillow.
Six months later, the brand was fully-developed, the platform was fully-functioning — and the website & ad campaign was ready to run. Within an hour of launch, our ad campaign delivered its first customer. That certainly gave us a lot of early optimism for the startup's prospects. Real Estate Agents certainly like the platform — particularly since the leads it delivers to them are significantly better than the ones they pay Zillow an arm-and-leg for — so we're still hoping the idea eventually catches-on with the homebuying public.
Agent-Recruitment Handout (front only)
(The handout is playing-card / pocket sized, and was developed before we'd produced original photos and final images. The message addresses the fact that real estate agents pay absurdly high fees to services, like Zillow, for often-LOUSY new-business leads. Reveali generates revenue by charging agents an industry-standard finder's fee, but only when leads generate sales.)