A simple (but effective!) sales piece for one
of the internet’s genuine success stories.
Last year, while working with our good friends Zane Tarence and Frank Dixon on an electronic sales presentation for LakeHomes.com, we had the great pleasure of meeting Shane Pike.
A former Director of Online Marketing & Business Development at CareerBuilder.com, Shane purchased NursingJobs.org in September of 2005, then built it into one of the world’s most visited nursing sites, before selling it to Internet Brands in February 2008.
Shane’s latest venture is EngineerJobs.com, which he has (predictably) built into the world’s #1 most visited engineering job site. He hired us to develop a PDF collateral piece for his sales reps.
After conducting our background research & interviews, identifying the core messaging strategy, then finalizing copy, we had an interesting challenge: To inject some creative flair into our design without straying too far from the design of the site itself—which is very basic. Very basic. (But hey, we’re talking about engineers here, remember?)
Naturally, we’re hoping Shane will call us for a comprehensive site re-design after our materials help push his sales over the trillion-dollar mark. Which, we’d like to think, shouldn’t be long.