This screen brought to you by the makers of Windows 7!

By FrancisUncategorized

I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I don’t care who shot J.R. I don’t believe Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster or Ron Brown. I do not fear fluoridation’s effects on my precious bodily fluids. All that said, it does strike me as tremendously “interesting” that my office computer AND my home computer began slowing-down and screwing … Read More

My B-Metro column on Lady Gaga.

By FrancisCULTURE, Music, Uncategorized

(Ms. Gaga. With And Without Makeup.) I have adored, without shame or apology, some genuinely pathetic popular music in my day. Gilbert O’Sullivan’s “Alone Again Naturally”, for instance. Closer to this millennium, I consider Hanson’s “Mmmbop” to be a brilliant piece of pop record-making—even if they did lift the hook, note for note, from the … Read More

My Music Blog For B-Metro

By FrancisPeople, THE AGENCY, Uncategorized

Wherein yours truly connects new and recently released records with older, similar (and invariably superior) albums. But who cares what I think? Which is why each column comes with a Click-To-Play link—featuring the records reviewed—so you can decide for yourself. Isn’t that exciting! Charlotte Gainsbourg w/ Beck & Sam Phillips Dave Matthews w/ Mofro & Donna The Buffalo … Read More

Why We Love Our Clients

By FrancisFUN, Humor, Uncategorized

We’re picky about the people we’ll work for. Which has meant, on a few occasions, passing-up what were generally considered “good opportunities”. On the other hand, it’s been a very long time since we’ve worked with the kinds of clients in the recorded conversation below. (Although I make no guarantee for this entry’s veracity, I … Read More

Thanks to for the shout-out

By FrancisTHE AGENCY, Uncategorized, Work

We premiered the new Birmingham Venture Club logo at the March meeting today—and Michael Tomberlin posted a nice little note about it on, along with a link to our website. You can see the note, and the vertical version of the logo, at this address:

The Messiah Complex

By FrancisCULTURE, Miscellaneous, Uncategorized

(ANOTHER FABULOUS DAVID BROOKS EDITORIAL) Every age produces its own sort of fables, and our age seems to have produced The White Messiah fable.This is the oft-repeated story about a manly young adventurer who goes into the wilderness in search of thrills and profit. But, once there, he meets the native people and finds that … Read More


By FrancisFUN, Quotations, Uncategorized

“An idealogical system in conflict with the facts generally finds it prudent to defer to itself.”—David Berlinski “I’ve gone into hundreds of fortune-teller’s parlors, and I’ve been told thousands of things. But nobody ever told me I was a policewoman getting ready to arrest them.” —New York City Detective “Write a wise saying and your … Read More