Why Daylight Saving Time Should Be Postponed Until June

Attention, DC-area politicians:
Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that your office hours begin at 8 AM.

First thing in the morning, when you roll into the office at what should be 7 AM…

>Ask yourself how it feels to be at your desk just minutes after the first light of day.

>Ask yourself how many children in your time zone walked to school in near, or total, darkness this morning. There’s lots of them out there.

>Ask your secretary to send you research on how much workplace productivity is lost nationwide as a result of this sudden affront to natural circadian rhythms. There’s lots of it out there.

>Ask yourself what that extra cup of coffee today will do for you tonight, when you try to regain that hour of sleep you lost last night.

>Ask yourself how the net impact of imposing Daylight Savings Time in mid-March can be described—in any way, shape or form—as positive.

>Ask yourself where this cycle of stupidity ends. But then, we already know the answer to that one. Because we know where it started.

>Ask yourself what’s really stopping you from passing a law to postpone the start of Daylight Savings Time for at least two months—if not longer. It’s certainly not common sense.

 Think about it. Wait, here’s a wild idea: DO something about it.